Climate Change: it’s All About Scale

Nature plays the long game. Climate change is an issue of scale, in both time and space.

The current climatic challenge happens in the timescale; we are facing a change that has been taking place in the past 200 years, and will continue for the foreseeable future. The climate always shifts; in the past, as evidenced by ice cores from places like Greenland, the climate shifted many times.

The climate shifted 12,000 years ago, then 8,500 years…. and so on until the onset of agriculture 5,000 years ago, and now with the Industrial revolution, about 200 years ago. Now, it is different; as the climate change, we are exerting more pressure on it. At the same time, we are now a fragile civilization… and the least we can afford is another shift in climate.


Geo-Engineering: Venus on Earth